The dressing protects the wound to allow it to heal as quickly and as well as possible.Too tight, it risks injuring the horse and limiting blood circulation.Too loose, it may slip and be useless.Follow the advice of Dr Jérôme Transetti to know how to choose and apply a dressing for your horse.When your horse gets injured, a wound can form.The best is to let it breathe because the oxygen contained in the air has several virtues: it promotes healing and destroys several types of microbes.In addition, without dressing, one can easily follow the evolution of the wound and adapt its treatment more precisely.The wound must be showered and cleaned several times a day in order to remove crusts and other straw debris, droppings.In the case of a very extensive wound, a dressing will on the contrary be useful to allow the wound to fill.The application protects the wound from external aggressions and from the horse itself, promotes healing by limiting infections and stimulating healing and limits the movements of the horse in order to avoid widening of the wound.There are different kinds of dressings: sticky dressings, non-sticky bandages and wet dressings.Ask your veterinarian for advice on choosing the most suitable type of dressing for your horse's wound.The first corresponds to a “classic” dressing, medical adhesive and elastic bands.It keeps the dressing in place for a long time.It should not be applied directly to the wound, as they would inevitably cause intense pain.Generally, one or more compresses, a "velpeau" band are placed to hold the whole thing together in order to avoid pulling out too much hair when the dressing is removed.Above all, we apply the adhesive elastic band.If you want to avoid swelling or remove the dressing daily (to check the condition of a wound, for example), then you have to use more or less elastic bands that stick to themselves and not to the skin.There are also strips that stick to itself but not to the skin, to avoid tearing the horse's hair.In addition, a sticky dressing that has come off is no longer reusable, but in the vast majority of wounds, daily monitoring of the wound is required.On the contrary, the bands which stick on itself can be done and undone without problem.If you are afraid that they will slip off a limb, for example, you can secure them in their upper part with a round of sticky tape.Fairly thin, these dressings also allow the wound to breathe well, which promotes healing.Finally, they are often beautiful bright colors, which adds a bit of cheerfulness.Finally, it is possible to place wet dressings on a horse's wound.They are used to treat disintegrating wounds, which involve a large amount of damaged tissue.The goal is to completely clean the wound in order to allow good healing.Moist dressings also have the advantage of absorbing the various liquids secreted by the wound and promoting the appearance of scar tissue due to the humidity.The dressing should be changed daily if the wound is infected and open at the start of treatment.Then, when the infection is under control, a change every two or three days is sufficient.If the wound has been sewn up, the change can be made after a week.The stitches are generally removed at least fifteen days after the suture.Wet dressings should be changed regularly, usually twice a day, and replaced with dry dressings as soon as the wound is clean and begins to heal.Save my name, email and site in the browser for my next comment.